Qualcomm Snapdragon 5G Soc, eXtra Speed, eXtra Strength, eXtra achieved.
128G Large Storage. Big Fun in Bigger Storage. The super large storage brings a worry-free experience, containing all your cherished music, photos and songs at ease.
Large Battery, eXtra Power, eXtra Done. The large battery combining HONOR's smart power-saving technology brings sufficient power from dawn to night. Say goodbye to power banks, free to go, peace in mind.
HONOR SuperCharge. eXtra Fast, eXtra Excitement. Instant Charge-up, No More Long Wait. No fear for a Low Battery Warning, Charging a large battery can be equally fast.
50MP Ultra Clear Triple Camera Capture More, Keep More 50MP ultra clear triple camera captures every side of beauty in life in every shot.
Just Outstanding. Neat in the Straight Edges, Elegance in the Rounded Corners Charm Your Eyes, Please Your Hands When the gradient colour blends in with the sand crystal frosting process, the flowing of light and shadow is right at your fingertips.
6.5-Inch HONOR FullView Display. Easy to Use, Hard to Put Down
Clear, Enjoy to Ear HONOR's dual MIC noise cancelation technology eliminates environmental noise, improves human voice, and makes voice calls clearer. Certified with Hi-Res Audio and Hi-Res Audio Wireless, you can enjoy high-quality music whether with wired earphones or wireless earbuds.