Multibrackets M Public Display Stand 180 HD Single Black - Stand for LCD display - aluminum - black - screen size: 55" - 80" - mounting interface: 800 x 500 mm
Multibrackets Public Display Stand 180 HD Single is one of the most flexible and multifunctional display stand of its kind. The Dual display possibility makes this unit optimal for videoconferencing and more detailed presentations where a dual screen scenario might be needed. The 180cm height is useful for both for conference rooms or other situations where the viewers are sitting down and in public areas such as trade shows, hospitals and other places where the audience are standing. So get an optimal positioning for both seated and standing audiences - in any part of your facility. Our M Multibrackets Public Display Stand has a versatile usage area. Mainly made out of a light weight aluminum construction it is both heavy duty and will support most ideas and environments it is placed in. With the M Public Display Stand 180 HD we included both lockable Tente wheels and height adjustable feets so it can match any type of installation. When developed much emphasize has been put into the stability and overall quality of the display stand, both when put in place but also when in movement. As a stabile and sophisticated display stand base with wheels are included as standard. This means the series is very easy to move around. This makes it a perfect partner for use in public environments such as conference rooms, class rooms or hospitals. The M Multibrackets Public Display Stand can be used with screens in a standard landscape mode or a portrait mode. It can be used with or without wheels, and with or without shelves, camera holder and power outlet. The M Multibrackets Public Display Stand 180 can be used with screens in a standard landscape mode or a portait mode. The optional display stand base can even be drilled into the floor to make the display stand stay put in any public environment it is placed in. Thanks to the Multibrackets Anti-theft system, you can lock the screen to the display stand.