Star Micronics TSP143IIIBI Thermal futurePRNT Bluetooth Receipt Printer, 80mm Wide Paper, 250mm/sec, 24VDC Internal Power Supply, Autocutter, Bluetooth Interface, Grey EU and UK Version
With built-in Bluetooth connectivity the TSP143IIIBI is a wireless bluetooth receipt printer for tablet POS, mPOS and mobile payment applications for retail and hospitality. With simple connectivity for Apple, Android and Windows devices, it also features an AUTOCONNECT function for iOS devices (Apple iPad/iPhone) which will automatically connect the TSP100 printer when the printer is switched on or when the printer comes back into range of the device. The TSP143IIIBI Bluetooth printer features a fast print speed of 250 mm / second, a high quality guillotine auto-cutter, thin paper capability and paper saving features, benefitting not only the environment but also the user’s operating costs. The TSP100 Series includes ALL the set-up accessories you need including an internal power supply along with a vertical mount kit in the box. The Star TSP100 Series offers innovative functionality yet remains one of the most cost effective POS printers on the market. With superior performance, renowned Star build quality as well as ease of use, TSP100 models are supplied with unique futurePRNT technology including set-up and marketing software tools designed to enable users to make receipt design and set-up modifications without having to alter their existing POS software.